Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Fun!

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. I was in Canada for three weeks... Here's some awesome photos for you to enjoy of some of our Dulce Refugio kids. Photo credits go to my friend, Skip Hiebert!
My precious Ricky eating watermelon

Isn't he sweet?

Kisses for Duane!
Ricky washing the limes!
Last week some of the volunteers took the boys and the babies to the pool!
Here's some of the boy with Hannah trying out the waterslide.

Some of the boys...Rafa, Christian grande, Jose Luis, Marco chico

The older girls practicing their dance moves in the dining room!
Juana, Fani and Pita

Cute baby Jose!
Getting dried off after nearly 2 hours in the pool!

Omar and Marco chico

Ricky, Jose, Ximena and Erin hanging out in the pool

1 comment:

Carla said...

Thankyou for stopping by my blog the other day and for you very encouraging words. They were like being handed a glass of water when I was feeling dried out. That sounds cheesy but its true :) Thankyou. The children at Dulce are beautiful. God Bless you as you love on each one of them!